Our Projects

Microsoft: Digital Inclusion and Diversity Survey
Status: Complete
Services: Analytics, Visualizations
Tools: Survey Monkey, Excel, PowerPoint
We were contacted by Westside works, a division within Microsoft, to provide some high level analysis for their ‘Atlanta Digital Equity & Inclusion’ survey. The questions on the survey included topics pertaining to learning and working in the technology field. The DataWorks team analyzed the survey answers of roughly 2,000 participants and prepared visuals based on the findings.
Housing Justice League
Status: On-going
Services: Data Annotation
Tools: Airtable, Excel, Python, Public Access Info Websites
The Housing Justice League works with renters and homeowners to self-organize and defend their right to remain. They fight to preserve affordable housing, fight illegal evictions, prevent gentrification, and to build community power for an Atlanta-wide housing justice movement. DataWorks has worked on various projects for the Housing Justice League such as monitoring Investment group’s landlord practices, annotating eviction hotline records, and reviewing eviction cases via public access government websites.

GreenLight Fund
Status: On hiatus while organization fundraises
Services: Data Collection and Data Entry
Tools: Excel, Power BI
The GreenLight Fund supports non-profits that directly address issues important to local community members. To help identify those issues, DataWorks conducted interviews with 100 people from Fulton, Dekalb, Gwinnett, Clayton, and Cobb counties. The team recruited participants by canvassing locations like MARTA stations, shopping centers, neighborhoods, and reached out to personal networks. The interview responses were documented in a spreadsheet and the team identified patterns. The team composed data visualizations to illustrate their findings. This project is an important path for community members to inform supportive organizations of their needs.
The Carter Center
Status: On-going
Services: Data Collection and Data Annotation
Tools: OpenRefine, Excel
The Carter Center tracks explosive weapons use in Syria to identify areas that are likely to be contaminated with abandoned or unexploded weapons that pose a risk to civilians. To do this tracking, the Carter Center collects data on weapons use and identifies their type, number, and location. In this project, DataWorks examined narrative descriptions and identified the type and number of weapons used. The tagged data contributed to the Explosive Weapons Use in Syria, which is shared with humanitarian organizations planning to clear these remnants of war.

The Bakery
Status: On-going
Services: Web Scraping and Data Annotation
Tools: Excel, Python
In an effort to preserve Atlanta’s DIY art history, DataWorks has partnered with The Bakery to archive documents from Atlanta’s DIY music and visual arts organizations and venues over the past 50 years. To build this archive, the team is leveraging physical artifacts and online resources. These resources are then tagged and labeled to help communicate the role that DIY arts organizations have had in shaping the impact of Atlanta on American music, fashion, and culture.
Past Projects
Status: Complete
Services: Data Annotation
Tools: Amazon Mechanical Turk
Working with a research team, The Dataworks team read through thousands of passages of data to determine if they text contained African American Vernacular.
Game Strategy Annotation
Status: Complete
Services: Data Annotation
Tools: YouTube, Customized Project Website, .txt files
Not only do we work with non-profits and civil organizations, but DataWorks works with Researchers and grad students as well. On this particular project, we worked with a grad student to watch videos of friend groups playing the social deductive game ‘One Night Ultimate Werewolf’. We were then tasked with reading the transcribed data line by line and labeling the strategies each player used to persuade others.