Module 2: Values and Job Search Mindset


Time required: 

  • 2hrs

Learning Objectives

  • Identify professional and technical skills. 
  • Identify values. 

Module Download

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Module Overview

Activity 1.2: Your Values, Your Strengths
Learning EventActivityTiming
Set GoalsOpening Discussion
Have you ever done a values exercise? What is a value? Why would we talk about values? What role does that play in your work? 
15 min
Connect to Prior KnowledgeWhy do you think these are important to think about when it comes to career changing, and finding a new job? What is important about values when it comes to work? Do companies have values? How do the company’s values relate to your values?10 min
Present and Organize Content InformationDo Values Exercise
Go through the exercise one time, and circle ones that resonate and x out ones that don’t resonate, think about groupings of values, then find a value that represents the groupings 
10 min
Take Action and Monitor ProgressReflect on the exercise in your journal:

What strengths did you identify? When you asked people about your strengths, did anything surprise you? 
Revisit your timelines. What evidence of your strengths do you see in your story? 
10 min
Module 2.2 Job Search Mindset

Do you think your brain still changes as an adult? Well…it does! Have you ever walked away from something you couldn’t figure out or understand, like a coding problem or a puzzle, or even a conversation, then you return to it later and its obvious what was wrong? That’s your brain at work, making connections when you don’t even know it.

Your brain literally changes when you learn new things; you are making connections. Your brain looked really different before you started at DataWorks and it will even look different from the beginning of today until the end of the day. 

Implicit theory is – a belief you hold that you don’t really talk about 

Theories of intelligence:

  • Entity (fixed) 
    • About measuring ability in light of defenses and threats 
  • Incremental (malleable) / Growth
    • About learning and growth; everything is an opportunity for those with this mentality

A ton of research that shows when people have this growth mindset, they do better and are happier. (Explain research about giving children praise – when you praise them for effort, they do better in the long term; if you praise them for “you’re so smart”, they don’t do as well – the same goes for praising yourself.)

What are some phrases you can use to can praise yourself for effort? (3min)

Story and writing exercises

For each story, write for 3 mins about what advice you would give the person in the story. Then we will share and move on to the next story (10 min ea. story)

  • Story 1: Job interview (Andre)
  • Story 2: Burned out (Tina)
  • Story 3: Inequitable pay (Kai)

Reflection and Homework


Answer these questions to help you reflect on growth mindset.

  • Think about a time when you were down in the dumps. How did you get out of it? 
  • What is one way you plan on supporting yourself during a difficult time of growth?
Session Homework

Module 2: Values and Job Search Mindset

*Mobile Version*


Time required:

  • 2hrs

Learning Objectives

  • Identify professional and technical skills. 
  • Identify values. 

Module Download

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Module Overview

Activity 1.2: Your Values, Your Strengths
Learning EventActivityTiming
Set GoalsOpening Discussion
Have you ever done a values exercise? What is a value? Why would we talk about values? What role does that play in your work? 
15 min
Connect to Prior KnowledgeWhy do you think these are important to think about when it comes to career changing, and finding a new job? What is important about values when it comes to work? Do companies have values? How do the company’s values relate to your values?10 min
Present and Organize Content InformationDo Values Exercise
Go through the exercise one time, and circle ones that resonate and x out ones that don’t resonate, think about groupings of values, then find a value that represents the groupings 
10 min
Take Action and Monitor ProgressReflect on the exercise in your journal:

What strengths did you identify? When you asked people about your strengths, did anything surprise you? 
Revisit your timelines. What evidence of your strengths do you see in your story? 
10 min
Module 2.2 Job Search Mindset

Do you think your brain still changes as an adult? Well…it does! Have you ever walked away from something you couldn’t figure out or understand, like a coding problem or a puzzle, or even a conversation, then you return to it later and its obvious what was wrong? That’s your brain at work, making connections when you don’t even know it.

Your brain literally changes when you learn new things; you are making connections. Your brain looked really different before you started at DataWorks and it will even look different from the beginning of today until the end of the day. 

Implicit theory is – a belief you hold that you don’t really talk about 

Theories of intelligence:

  • Entity (fixed) 
    • About measuring ability in light of defenses and threats 
  • Incremental (malleable) 
    • About learning and growth; everything is an opportunity for those with this mentality

A ton of research that shows when people have this growth mindset, they do better and are happier

Story and writing exercises

For each story, write for 3 mins about what advice you would give the person in the story. Then we will share and move on to the next story (10 min ea. story)

  • Story 1: Job interview (Andre)
  • Story 2: Burned out (Tina)
  • Story 3: Inequitable pay (Kai)

What are some ways people can support themselves and each other during these hard times of growth? (10min)

Reflection and Homework


Answer these questions to help you reflect on growth mindset.

  • Think about a time when you were down in the dumps. How did you get out of it? 
  • What is one way you plan on supporting yourself during a difficult time of growth?
Session Homework