Career Development Curriculum

6 weeks

Course Introduction
In this course you will learn modern job search skills. You will prepare your resume, learn how to grow your network, prepare for and practice interviewing, and start to build a longer-term vision for your career.
No prerequisites required.
Learning Objectives
In this course you will:
- Identify short term and long-term career goals and next steps for each.
- Manage their career development using digital tools.
- Formulate a self-care plan for dealing with stress.
- Develop professional relationships using online and offline resources.
- Evaluate a company culture for its alignment with their goals.
- Find open jobs through online search and professional networking.
- Plan how to leverage their network and Georgia Tech resources to support their job search.
- Describe how their activities contributed to positive results for DataWorks.
- Deliver personalized responses to common questions in job interviews.
- Learn new technical skills in preparation for a job interview.
- Update their resume and cover letter to appeal to different job posts.
*Mobile Version*
Career Development Curriculum

6 weeks
Course Introduction
In this course you will learn modern job search skills. You will prepare your resume, learn how to grow your network, prepare for and practice interviewing, and start to build a longer-term vision for your career.
No prerequisites required.
Learning Objectives
In this course you will:
- Identify short term and long-term career goals and next steps for each.
- Manage their career development using digital tools.
- Formulate a self-care plan for dealing with stress.
- Develop professional relationships using online and offline resources.
- Evaluate a company culture for its alignment with their goals.
- Find open jobs through online search and professional networking.
- Plan how to leverage their network and Georgia Tech resources to support their job search.
- Describe how their activities contributed to positive results for DataWorks.
- Deliver personalized responses to common questions in job interviews.
- Learn new technical skills in preparation for a job interview.
- Update their resume and cover letter to appeal to different job posts.
Module 0: The Basics
Introduction to the Career Development curriculum and making incremental progress on determining a career direction and building the skills to realize it.
Module 1: Career Visioning
Describe strategies for identifying skills and career goals and identifying short term and long-term career goals.
Module 2: Values and Mindset
Identifying values that are important to you and framing your mindset to handle the ups and downs of searching for jobs.
Module 3: Professional Networking
Exploring strong ties, weak ties, linking ties, mentorship/sponsorship and reframing networking.
Module 4: Job Search & Job Application Materials
Formatting resumes, writing cover letters, and conducting company research.
Module 5: Mock Interviews
Preparing, practicing and participating in mock interviews.