Module 4: Prepare Job Application Materials


This module is split into four sections. Each section covers a different aspect of Job Applications:

  • A1: Company Research (1hr)
  • A2: Create a Resume (2.5 hrs)
  • A3: Write a Cover Letter (2 hrs)
  • A4: Peer Review (2 hrs)

Learning Objectives

Summary of Content and Objectives
TopicLearning ObjectivesPerformance ObjectivesLearning Activity
Resume FormattingCompare two resumes for an open position, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each. – Properly format resume. 

– Apply appropriate personalization.
– Include appropriate sections. 
A2, A4 
KeywordsDescribe strategies for identifying keywords from a job description and incorporating them into a resume. – Identify keywords from a job description. 

– Tailor resume to incorporate keywords.
– Tailor LinkedIn to incorporate keywords. 
A2, A4 
Cover Letter FormattingList the required elements in a properly formatted cover letter. – Properly format cover letter. A3, A4 
Company ResearchDiscuss methods for researching a company. 
List important information to find out about a company and explain why. 
– Research company mission.

– Identify key personnel.  
A1, A3
WritingCompare two resumes for an open position, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each. 
Compare two cover letters for an open position, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each. 
Explain the “specify, quantify, and qualify” approach to resume writing. 
– Frame professional and technical skills with compelling language.

– Use quantifiers to describe work experience. 

-Phrase work experience consistently.

– Use appropriate verb tense (present simple and past simple).

– Write cover letter in an appropriate style.

– Demonstrate company research in cover letter writing. 
A2, A3, A4 

Module Download

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Module Overview

A1: Company Research
Learning EventActivityTiming
Set GoalsDiscuss why it is important to research a company before applying to a job. The group comes up with a list of information to find out in research. 5 min
Connect to Prior KnowledgeFacilitator asks learners to discuss how they would go about finding this information about a company, why the information is important, and what they would do if they couldn’t find the information.  5 min
Present and Organize Content InformationFacilitator presents a checklist of information to find out about a company and describes approaches for conducting research using web platforms and informational interviews. 10 min
Take Action and Monitor ProgressEach learner selects a company to research and references the checklist as they search for the relevant information. The facilitator walks around to support learners as needed. 20 min
Synthesize and EvaluateEach person in the group shares what they learned about the company and the names of someone they would contact to 1) find out more information about the position and 2) follow up with after they apply to the position. 10 min
Extend and TransferIn A3 and A4, learners will extend and transfer their research through writing their cover letter and in a mock interview. 
A2: Create a Resume
Learning EventActivityTiming
Set GoalsThe group discusses what they think are important qualities in a resume and what questions they have.5 min
Connect to Prior KnowledgeThe facilitator screenshares two resumes (one effective and one ineffective) and asks the group to discuss what they think is effective or ineffective about the resumes. 
The facilitator asks, what are keywords in these resumes? As a group, learners discuss the importance of including keywords in resumes and discuss how they might go about determining keywords. 
15 min
Present and Organize Content InformationFacilitator explains KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities) documents. Learners create KSA documents that indicate what they want to get across in their resumes. 
Watch a video about best practices for creating resumes and review the resume checklist. Discuss specify, quantify, qualify.  
The group discusses what is new to them from the video and the resume checklist, and any questions. 
15 min
10 min
5 min
Take Action and Monitor ProgressLearners select templates from MS Word or Google Docs and create their resumes, and they email them to the facilitator. They reference the resume checklist to make sure they account for best practices. 10min; complete independently, during the week 
Synthesize and EvaluateThe facilitator screenshares and as a group, the learners give feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of each other’s resumes. 20 min
Extend and TransferLearners update their resumes based on feedback and make an appointment with the Georgia Tech career center for additional feedback. Independently, during the week 
A3: Write a Cover Letter

This activity will assume a flipped format compared to the resume workshop. Learners perform research in pairs on cover letter writing and to critique cover letters, then come together to discuss their findings. 

Learning EventActivityTiming
Set GoalsThe group discusses the role of a cover letter.  5 min
Connect to Prior KnowledgeThe group compares their experiences with writing cover letters – when did they write one before, what do they think is important information to include, and what are some questions they have about cover letters? What are some skills we’ve already discussed that might help with writing cover letters? 5 min
Present and Organize Content InformationLearners are divided into pairs and given two cover letters. During the week, they perform independent research on how to write cover letters and best practices. Each pair prepares a critique of the two cover letters to share in the next meeting, and they should suggest changes to the cover letters based on their research. Groups should share the resources they referenced in the Teams channel.  20min; Independently, during the week 
Take Action and Monitor ProgressAs a group, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the two cover letters.  20min (2nd weekly session) 
Synthesize and EvaluateFacilitator references a checklist of strengths and weaknesses that should have been pointed out and fills in any missing pieces during the discussion. 10min (2nd weekly session) 
Extend and TransferLearners create a first draft of their own cover letters and make an appointment with the career center for further review. 

How to Write A Cover Letter – “The key to writing effective cover letters is to succinctly communicate how your professional
Independently, during the week 
A4: Peer Review

Each Data Fellow is given the resumes and cover letters of another person. They will review and provide feedback on the resume and cover letter according to a checklist. During a 1-hour session, learners bring their completed resumes and cover letters. While referencing resume and cover letter checklists, as a group, we look at each person’s resume/cover letter and give feedback. This activity is intended to bring together content from all prior activities.

Learning EventActivityTiming
Set GoalsEach Data Fellow is given the resumes and cover letters of another person to review during the week while they reference a checklist.  10 min
Connect to Prior KnowledgeLearners go through the resume and cover letter with reference to the checklist, and note any areas that are not accounted for, and any areas that are particularly strong. 20min; Independently, during the week 
Present and Organize Content InformationLearners get into a group with the people who reviewed their materials to hear feedback. Each person shares what they found according to the checklists. 10 min 
Take Action and Monitor ProgressAs a group, we discuss what if there were strengths and weaknesses that other people caught that we missed, and any new understanding that emerged based on the exercise. 20min 
Synthesize and EvaluateEach learner applies feedback to their resume and cover letter to ensure it accounts for each element in the checklist. Independently, during the week 
Extend and TransferLearners select a specific job post and perform content updates to their resumes and cover letters. Independently, during the week 

Reflection and Homework

  • List 2-3 ideas for career goals and for each goal, write a list of steps you would take to achieve it (note: all of this can, and will, change!)
Session Homework:
  • Apply to 1 job, and find one more you want to apply to. For your first application, you can pick a job you aren’t too excited about or one that you think is a long shot. The first one will be hard and you’ll learn a lot, but it will also be a confidence boost and the next ones will be easier!
  • BONUS: Email one more person for a coffee chat, from the list or someone you found

Module 4: Prepare Job Application Materials

*Mobile Version*


This module is split into four sections. Each section covers a different aspect of Job Applications:

  • A1: Company Research (1hr)
  • A2: Create a Resume (2.5 hrs)
  • A3: Write a Cover Letter (2 hrs)
  • A4: Peer Review (2 hrs)

Learning Objectives

Summary of Content and Objectives
TopicLearning ObjectivesPerformance ObjectivesLearning Activity
Resume FormattingCompare two resumes for an open position, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each. – Properly format resume. 

– Apply appropriate personalization.
– Include appropriate sections. 
A2, A4 
KeywordsDescribe strategies for identifying keywords from a job description and incorporating them into a resume. – Identify keywords from a job description. 

– Tailor resume to incorporate keywords.
– Tailor LinkedIn to incorporate keywords. 
A2, A4 
Cover Letter FormattingList the required elements in a properly formatted cover letter. – Properly format cover letter. A3, A4 
Company ResearchDiscuss methods for researching a company. 
List important information to find out about a company and explain why. 
– Research company mission.

– Identify key personnel.  
A1, A3
WritingCompare two resumes for an open position, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each. 
Compare two cover letters for an open position, identifying the strengths and weaknesses of each. 
Explain the “specify, quantify, and qualify” approach to resume writing. 
– Frame professional and technical skills with compelling language.

– Use quantifiers to describe work experience. 

-Phrase work experience consistently.

– Use appropriate verb tense (present simple and past simple).

– Write cover letter in an appropriate style.

– Demonstrate company research in cover letter writing. 
A2, A3, A4 

Module Download

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Module Overview

A1: Company Research
Learning EventActivityTiming
Set GoalsDiscuss why it is important to research a company before applying to a job. The group comes up with a list of information to find out in research. 5 min
Connect to Prior KnowledgeFacilitator asks learners to discuss how they would go about finding this information about a company, why the information is important, and what they would do if they couldn’t find the information.  5 min
Present and Organize Content InformationFacilitator presents a checklist of information to find out about a company and describes approaches for conducting research using web platforms and informational interviews. 10 min
Take Action and Monitor ProgressEach learner selects a company to research and references the checklist as they search for the relevant information. The facilitator walks around to support learners as needed. 20 min
Synthesize and EvaluateEach person in the group shares what they learned about the company and the names of someone they would contact to 1) find out more information about the position and 2) follow up with after they apply to the position. 10 min
Extend and TransferIn A3 and A4, learners will extend and transfer their research through writing their cover letter and in a mock interview. 
A2: Create a Resume
Learning EventActivityTiming
Set GoalsThe group discusses what they think are important qualities in a resume and what questions they have.5 min
Connect to Prior KnowledgeThe facilitator screenshares two resumes (one effective and one ineffective) and asks the group to discuss what they think is effective or ineffective about the resumes. 
The facilitator asks, what are keywords in these resumes? As a group, learners discuss the importance of including keywords in resumes and discuss how they might go about determining keywords. 
15 min
Present and Organize Content InformationFacilitator explains KSA (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities) documents. Learners create KSA documents that indicate what they want to get across in their resumes. 
Watch a video about best practices for creating resumes and review the resume checklist. Discuss specify, quantify, qualify.  
The group discusses what is new to them from the video and the resume checklist, and any questions. 
15 min
10 min
5 min
Take Action and Monitor ProgressLearners select templates from MS Word or Google Docs and create their resumes, and they email them to the facilitator. They reference the resume checklist to make sure they account for best practices. 10min; complete independently, during the week 
Synthesize and EvaluateThe facilitator screenshares and as a group, the learners give feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of each other’s resumes. 20 min
Extend and TransferLearners update their resumes based on feedback and make an appointment with the Georgia Tech career center for additional feedback. Independently, during the week 
A3: Write a Cover Letter

This activity will assume a flipped format compared to the resume workshop. Learners perform research in pairs on cover letter writing and to critique cover letters, then come together to discuss their findings. 

Learning EventActivityTiming
Set GoalsThe group discusses the role of a cover letter.  5 min
Connect to Prior KnowledgeThe group compares their experiences with writing cover letters – when did they write one before, what do they think is important information to include, and what are some questions they have about cover letters? What are some skills we’ve already discussed that might help with writing cover letters? 5 min
Present and Organize Content InformationLearners are divided into pairs and given two cover letters. During the week, they perform independent research on how to write cover letters and best practices. Each pair prepares a critique of the two cover letters to share in the next meeting, and they should suggest changes to the cover letters based on their research. Groups should share the resources they referenced in the Teams channel.  20min; Independently, during the week 
Take Action and Monitor ProgressAs a group, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the two cover letters.  20min (2nd weekly session) 
Synthesize and EvaluateFacilitator references a checklist of strengths and weaknesses that should have been pointed out and fills in any missing pieces during the discussion. 10min (2nd weekly session) 
Extend and TransferLearners create a first draft of their own cover letters and make an appointment with the career center for further review. 

How to Write A Cover Letter – “The key to writing effective cover letters is to succinctly communicate how your professional
Independently, during the week 
A4: Peer Review

Each Data Fellow is given the resumes and cover letters of another person. They will review and provide feedback on the resume and cover letter according to a checklist. During a 1-hour session, learners bring their completed resumes and cover letters. While referencing resume and cover letter checklists, as a group, we look at each person’s resume/cover letter and give feedback. This activity is intended to bring together content from all prior activities.

Learning EventActivityTiming
Set GoalsEach Data Fellow is given the resumes and cover letters of another person to review during the week while they reference a checklist.  10 min
Connect to Prior KnowledgeLearners go through the resume and cover letter with reference to the checklist, and note any areas that are not accounted for, and any areas that are particularly strong. 20min; Independently, during the week 
Present and Organize Content InformationLearners get into a group with the people who reviewed their materials to hear feedback. Each person shares what they found according to the checklists. 10 min 
Take Action and Monitor ProgressAs a group, we discuss what if there were strengths and weaknesses that other people caught that we missed, and any new understanding that emerged based on the exercise. 20min 
Synthesize and EvaluateEach learner applies feedback to their resume and cover letter to ensure it accounts for each element in the checklist. Independently, during the week 
Extend and TransferLearners select a specific job post and perform content updates to their resumes and cover letters. Independently, during the week 

Reflection and Homework

  • List 2-3 ideas for career goals and for each goal, write a list of steps you would take to achieve it (note: all of this can, and will, change!)
Session Homework:
  • Apply to 1 job, and find one more you want to apply to. For your first application, you can pick a job you aren’t too excited about or one that you think is a long shot. The first one will be hard and you’ll learn a lot, but it will also be a confidence boost and the next ones will be easier!
  • BONUS: Email one more person for a coffee chat, from the list or someone you found